New additions to family – Traefik and Airflow

Added Traefik and Airflow to the family of services behind my personal websites. Traefik – an amazing modern reverse proxy that integrates extremely well with docker containers, saving me a lot of troubles in manual configurations (looking at you nginx). Traefik makes it trivially simple to redirect internet traffic to multiple Dash docker containers, by… Continue reading New additions to family – Traefik and Airflow

FIRE planner

Built a new dashboard to help you plan financially for your potential FIRE (financial independence retire early). Link to dashboard : It takes a few inputs to help you visualize your (+ your partner’s) personal cash flows throughout your lifetime. Besides simple income and expense adjustments, it also simulates housing/mortgage and child-related expenses. Unfortunately,… Continue reading FIRE planner

Infrastructure and framework behind my personal websites

I decided to set up my own website at the end of 2020. 3 years later, I run 2 websites backed by multiple supporting services (see image below), all set up and operated by myself. My goals are (1) to set up a robust infrastructure that can ensure my websites/services are always up, and (2)… Continue reading Infrastructure and framework behind my personal websites


A small titbit to share today, the Makefile. A Makefile can be used to define sets of commonly used commands to save time and to ensure the commands run in the correct order with needed pre-requisites. For example, you can define a list of build-related commands under a target called “build”. Then next time you… Continue reading Makefile

Things they didn’t teach you in software engineering

Whenever you feel disillusioned about the mismatch in promises between what you were taught in university/bootcamp versus what you actually worked on in a job. I recommend reading this article, It is written for software engineering, but many points mentioned apply to data science/analytics as well.