I am still working on the Kubernetes stack behind my personal website whenever I have some free time. The goal is still the same – to build my own personal Kubernetes-powered data science/machine learning production deployment stack (And yes, I know about Kubeflow/AWS Sagemaker/Databricks/etc). However my key objective now lies not with finding out whether… Continue reading Onto Kubernetes – Part 3
Tag: Cloud Deployment
Onto Kubernetes – Part 2
About 2 months ago, I started migrating my entire personal stack onto Kubernetes from regular virtual servers. So what has happened in the meantime? Have I freed up more operation maintenance time to do more interesting data science development work yet? Unfortunately the answer is no, at least for now. It turns out that migrating… Continue reading Onto Kubernetes – Part 2
Onto Kubernetes
I have always been told that using Kubernetes is too complex and overkill for most purposes. That has put me off for years, before I finally decided to take the plunge into the Kubernetes world 2 months back, embarking on a mission to migrate my entire personal stack onto Kubernetes. The tip-over point for me… Continue reading Onto Kubernetes
New additions to family – Traefik and Airflow
Added Traefik and Airflow to the family of services behind my personal websites. Traefik – an amazing modern reverse proxy that integrates extremely well with docker containers, saving me a lot of troubles in manual configurations (looking at you nginx). Traefik makes it trivially simple to redirect internet traffic to multiple Dash docker containers, by… Continue reading New additions to family – Traefik and Airflow