import pandas as pd
import sklearn.metrics
from pycaret.datasets import get_data
import autosklearn.classification
# Record version of key libraries
from importlib.metadata import version
print('auto-sklearn==%s' % version('auto-sklearn'))
# Get a list of all pre-packaged data
# get_data('index')
# Select a pre-packaged data for testing
data = get_data('diabetes')
Number of times pregnant | Plasma glucose concentration a 2 hours in an oral glucose tolerance test | Diastolic blood pressure (mm Hg) | Triceps skin fold thickness (mm) | 2-Hour serum insulin (mu U/ml) | Body mass index (weight in kg/(height in m)^2) | Diabetes pedigree function | Age (years) | Class variable | |
0 | 6 | 148 | 72 | 35 | 0 | 33.6 | 0.627 | 50 | 1 |
1 | 1 | 85 | 66 | 29 | 0 | 26.6 | 0.351 | 31 | 0 |
2 | 8 | 183 | 64 | 0 | 0 | 23.3 | 0.672 | 32 | 1 |
3 | 1 | 89 | 66 | 23 | 94 | 28.1 | 0.167 | 21 | 0 |
4 | 0 | 137 | 40 | 35 | 168 | 43.1 | 2.288 | 33 | 1 |
# NOTE - all data needs to be numerical to be processed by auto-sklearn
# NOTE - categorical strings need to be converted into integers, e.g. using sklearn LabelEncoder
# Split data into X and y in numpy array (as numpy array is better supported by auto-sklearn)
X = data.iloc[:,:-1].to_numpy()
y = data.iloc[:,-1].to_numpy()
# Specify types of features - can only be either categorical or numerical. Categorical feature will get one-hot encoded
# Must be specified for each column
feat_type = [
'Numerical', 'Numerical', 'Numerical', 'Numerical',
'Numerical', 'Numerical', 'Numerical', 'Numerical'
# Split data into training and testing data
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = sklearn.model_selection.train_test_split(X, y, random_state=6)
array([[ 6. , 148. , 72. , ..., 33.6 , 0.627, 50. ], [ 1. , 85. , 66. , ..., 26.6 , 0.351, 31. ], [ 8. , 183. , 64. , ..., 23.3 , 0.672, 32. ], ..., [ 5. , 121. , 72. , ..., 26.2 , 0.245, 30. ], [ 1. , 126. , 60. , ..., 30.1 , 0.349, 47. ], [ 1. , 93. , 70. , ..., 30.4 , 0.315, 23. ]])
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# Setup automl model
# NOTE - AutoSklearn2Classifier is an improved version of AutoSklearnClassifier, but currently as experimental feature
# NOTE - change resampling_strategy from default will lead to error in automl.predict()
automl = autosklearn.classification.AutoSklearnClassifier(
# resampling_strategy='cv',
# resampling_strategy_arguments={'folds':3},
# Automatically construct an ensemble of best performing models based on selected metrics
# Uses Bayesian optimisation (from SMAC python library) to tune hyperparameters and select best performing models
# Randomness seems to be quite fit in this method using default settings. Each run yield different sets of models.
[WARNING] [2021-08-08 00:47:42,503:Client-AutoMLSMBO(6)::diabetes] Dataset diabetes already in meta-data. Removing occurence. rank ensemble_weight type cost duration model_id 43 1 0.46 qda 0.225131 0.542785 40 2 0.32 qda 0.230366 0.625821 33 3 0.02 extra_trees 0.246073 1.734644 42 4 0.14 qda 0.246073 0.592578 9 5 0.06 random_forest 0.256545 1.465093
[(0.460000, SimpleClassificationPipeline({'balancing:strategy': 'weighting', 'classifier:__choice__': 'qda', 'data_preprocessing:categorical_transformer:categorical_encoding:__choice__': 'one_hot_encoding', 'data_preprocessing:categorical_transformer:category_coalescence:__choice__': 'minority_coalescer', 'data_preprocessing:numerical_transformer:imputation:strategy': 'median', 'data_preprocessing:numerical_transformer:rescaling:__choice__': 'quantile_transformer', 'feature_preprocessor:__choice__': 'liblinear_svc_preprocessor', 'classifier:qda:reg_param': 0.10063119850312452, 'data_preprocessing:categorical_transformer:category_coalescence:minority_coalescer:minimum_fraction': 0.00010703673967305097, 'data_preprocessing:numerical_transformer:rescaling:quantile_transformer:n_quantiles': 665, 'data_preprocessing:numerical_transformer:rescaling:quantile_transformer:output_distribution': 'uniform', 'feature_preprocessor:liblinear_svc_preprocessor:C': 6031.2638749971775, 'feature_preprocessor:liblinear_svc_preprocessor:dual': 'False', 'feature_preprocessor:liblinear_svc_preprocessor:fit_intercept': 'True', 'feature_preprocessor:liblinear_svc_preprocessor:intercept_scaling': 1, 'feature_preprocessor:liblinear_svc_preprocessor:loss': 'squared_hinge', 'feature_preprocessor:liblinear_svc_preprocessor:multi_class': 'ovr', 'feature_preprocessor:liblinear_svc_preprocessor:penalty': 'l1', 'feature_preprocessor:liblinear_svc_preprocessor:tol': 0.03346260741175119}, dataset_properties={ 'task': 1, 'sparse': False, 'multilabel': False, 'multiclass': False, 'target_type': 'classification', 'signed': False})), (0.320000, SimpleClassificationPipeline({'balancing:strategy': 'weighting', 'classifier:__choice__': 'qda', 'data_preprocessing:categorical_transformer:categorical_encoding:__choice__': 'no_encoding', 'data_preprocessing:categorical_transformer:category_coalescence:__choice__': 'no_coalescense', 'data_preprocessing:numerical_transformer:imputation:strategy': 'most_frequent', 'data_preprocessing:numerical_transformer:rescaling:__choice__': 'power_transformer', 'feature_preprocessor:__choice__': 'liblinear_svc_preprocessor', 'classifier:qda:reg_param': 0.8490867346955492, 'feature_preprocessor:liblinear_svc_preprocessor:C': 673.383994961982, 'feature_preprocessor:liblinear_svc_preprocessor:dual': 'False', 'feature_preprocessor:liblinear_svc_preprocessor:fit_intercept': 'True', 'feature_preprocessor:liblinear_svc_preprocessor:intercept_scaling': 1, 'feature_preprocessor:liblinear_svc_preprocessor:loss': 'squared_hinge', 'feature_preprocessor:liblinear_svc_preprocessor:multi_class': 'ovr', 'feature_preprocessor:liblinear_svc_preprocessor:penalty': 'l1', 'feature_preprocessor:liblinear_svc_preprocessor:tol': 0.07430514202047755}, dataset_properties={ 'task': 1, 'sparse': False, 'multilabel': False, 'multiclass': False, 'target_type': 'classification', 'signed': False})), (0.140000, SimpleClassificationPipeline({'balancing:strategy': 'weighting', 'classifier:__choice__': 'qda', 'data_preprocessing:categorical_transformer:categorical_encoding:__choice__': 'one_hot_encoding', 'data_preprocessing:categorical_transformer:category_coalescence:__choice__': 'minority_coalescer', 'data_preprocessing:numerical_transformer:imputation:strategy': 'most_frequent', 'data_preprocessing:numerical_transformer:rescaling:__choice__': 'standardize', 'feature_preprocessor:__choice__': 'liblinear_svc_preprocessor', 'classifier:qda:reg_param': 0.12093512237072923, 'data_preprocessing:categorical_transformer:category_coalescence:minority_coalescer:minimum_fraction': 0.010956320202994994, 'feature_preprocessor:liblinear_svc_preprocessor:C': 3.9256208110508797, 'feature_preprocessor:liblinear_svc_preprocessor:dual': 'False', 'feature_preprocessor:liblinear_svc_preprocessor:fit_intercept': 'True', 'feature_preprocessor:liblinear_svc_preprocessor:intercept_scaling': 1, 'feature_preprocessor:liblinear_svc_preprocessor:loss': 'squared_hinge', 'feature_preprocessor:liblinear_svc_preprocessor:multi_class': 'ovr', 'feature_preprocessor:liblinear_svc_preprocessor:penalty': 'l1', 'feature_preprocessor:liblinear_svc_preprocessor:tol': 0.00010000000000000009}, dataset_properties={ 'task': 1, 'sparse': False, 'multilabel': False, 'multiclass': False, 'target_type': 'classification', 'signed': False})), (0.060000, SimpleClassificationPipeline({'balancing:strategy': 'none', 'classifier:__choice__': 'random_forest', 'data_preprocessing:categorical_transformer:categorical_encoding:__choice__': 'one_hot_encoding', 'data_preprocessing:categorical_transformer:category_coalescence:__choice__': 'minority_coalescer', 'data_preprocessing:numerical_transformer:imputation:strategy': 'most_frequent', 'data_preprocessing:numerical_transformer:rescaling:__choice__': 'standardize', 'feature_preprocessor:__choice__': 'no_preprocessing', 'classifier:random_forest:bootstrap': 'True', 'classifier:random_forest:criterion': 'entropy', 'classifier:random_forest:max_depth': 'None', 'classifier:random_forest:max_features': 0.926283631486858, 'classifier:random_forest:max_leaf_nodes': 'None', 'classifier:random_forest:min_impurity_decrease': 0.0, 'classifier:random_forest:min_samples_leaf': 7, 'classifier:random_forest:min_samples_split': 2, 'classifier:random_forest:min_weight_fraction_leaf': 0.0, 'data_preprocessing:categorical_transformer:category_coalescence:minority_coalescer:minimum_fraction': 0.16265262021972576}, dataset_properties={ 'task': 1, 'sparse': False, 'multilabel': False, 'multiclass': False, 'target_type': 'classification', 'signed': False})), (0.020000, SimpleClassificationPipeline({'balancing:strategy': 'none', 'classifier:__choice__': 'extra_trees', 'data_preprocessing:categorical_transformer:categorical_encoding:__choice__': 'one_hot_encoding', 'data_preprocessing:categorical_transformer:category_coalescence:__choice__': 'minority_coalescer', 'data_preprocessing:numerical_transformer:imputation:strategy': 'median', 'data_preprocessing:numerical_transformer:rescaling:__choice__': 'standardize', 'feature_preprocessor:__choice__': 'random_trees_embedding', 'classifier:extra_trees:bootstrap': 'True', 'classifier:extra_trees:criterion': 'entropy', 'classifier:extra_trees:max_depth': 'None', 'classifier:extra_trees:max_features': 0.40453097047385556, 'classifier:extra_trees:max_leaf_nodes': 'None', 'classifier:extra_trees:min_impurity_decrease': 0.0, 'classifier:extra_trees:min_samples_leaf': 5, 'classifier:extra_trees:min_samples_split': 12, 'classifier:extra_trees:min_weight_fraction_leaf': 0.0, 'data_preprocessing:categorical_transformer:category_coalescence:minority_coalescer:minimum_fraction': 0.02107245862568647, 'feature_preprocessor:random_trees_embedding:bootstrap': 'False', 'feature_preprocessor:random_trees_embedding:max_depth': 10, 'feature_preprocessor:random_trees_embedding:max_leaf_nodes': 'None', 'feature_preprocessor:random_trees_embedding:min_samples_leaf': 14, 'feature_preprocessor:random_trees_embedding:min_samples_split': 11, 'feature_preprocessor:random_trees_embedding:min_weight_fraction_leaf': 1.0, 'feature_preprocessor:random_trees_embedding:n_estimators': 74}, dataset_properties={ 'task': 1, 'sparse': False, 'multilabel': False, 'multiclass': False, 'target_type': 'classification', 'signed': False})), ]
predictions = automl.predict(X_train)
print("Train accuracy score:", sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score(y_train, predictions))
predictions = automl.predict(X_test)
print("Test accuracy score:", sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score(y_test, predictions))
Train accuracy score: 0.7899305555555556 Test accuracy score: 0.7864583333333334