The happiness equation

(Image source: We always tell ourselves that happiness will follow after we have worked hard and achieved great success. ”I will be very happy if I achieve the next milestone, be it a job promotion or buying a house or earning my first bucket of gold.” However often after we achieved those successes, happiness… Continue reading The happiness equation

Midpoint review of M6 competition – results

As a quick follow-up to my last post on the midpoint review of M6 competition, I have looked into the actual performance statistics of my entries in the first half of the competition. The results are suprising in a few aspects : The results exhibit huge fluctuations from month to month. (Perhaps partially reflecting the… Continue reading Midpoint review of M6 competition – results

A beginner guide to the folder structure generated by cookiecutter-pypackage

cookiecutter-pypackage offers a very well equipped standard project template to create a Python package. However for many first time users, the automatically generated folder structure can be quite intimidating. The typical folder structure generated by cookiecutter-pypackage ( (v1.1.2) looks like this : Note that all mentions of {{cookiecutter.project_slug}} and {{cookiecutter.pkg_name}} will be replaced by the… Continue reading A beginner guide to the folder structure generated by cookiecutter-pypackage

Trying to use cookiecutter-pypackage and ended up contributing to it

cookiecutter-pypackage provides an amazing framework to develop a Python package with. The original version ( has been further extended by many contributors to include useful tools such as poetry and pre-commit. I decided to start using one of the newer versions of cookiecutter-pypackage ( (v1.1.1) before running into an error in one of the GitHub… Continue reading Trying to use cookiecutter-pypackage and ended up contributing to it

Loading child CSS style in WordPress

If you are a WordPress newbie and wanted to add your own CSS styles onto an existing WordPress theme using child template like me, you may also be following the instruction on WordPress. As I was working with the twenty-twenty-one theme, which uses get_template functions to load CSS styles, I added the following given code… Continue reading Loading child CSS style in WordPress